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Resolution – United Nations Flag

Whereas, the United Nations is, by definition, a foreign power, our relationship being defined through treaty; and,

Whereas, the United Nations seeks to reduce the sovereignty of every national government to that of a “Member State”, under the authority of the United Nations; and,

Whereas, the placing of flags over public properties is a sign of dominion and authority; and

Whereas, the United Nations is seeking to claim authority over all “World Heritage Sites”, such as the Alamo and Yosemite National Park, etc.;

Be it therefore resolved that we call for legislation to ban the flying or permanent display of a United Nations flag over any taxpayer-supported property within the State of _____________, including State, county, municipalities, schools, national guard, or other public properties; and,

Be it further resolved that we oppose relinquishing any public property to the oversight or authority of the United Nations or other foreign government or agency.

(Note:  This resolution does not prohibit the use of a UN flag for historical or educational purposes, or for purposes of State when UN officials visit.  Nor does it affect private property rights in any way.)

Adopted this ____ day of _______, 20__, at the Precinct Convention of Precinct # ____ of the _______ Party of Texas.

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Author: admin