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Donald Trump

trumpThe current popularity of Donald Trump is amusing to pundits who don’t care one way or the other about the neocons who run the GOP.  Trump brings energy to the race, and controversy.  He says what people want to hear.  By definition, Trump is a Populist.

Don’t think for a moment that Donald Trump is a conservative, or even better, a constitutionalist.  He is not.  His stance on immigration has not yet touched on the subject of welfare – and yet welfare is the number one reason that illegal aliens come to America, not work.  (Work is the number two reason.)  But anti-Mexican rhetoric has instant appeal to a lot of Americans right now, and Trump will play that card.

If we were to turn off the Welfare Valves, just to illegals, it would save the taxpayer millions of dollars, first in payments to which the parasites are not entitled, and secondly in terms of immigration control, along with reduced border patrol expenses.  The savings to the general public in terms of a reduced crime rate, reduced policing costs and reduced insurance rates, along with lighter loads on our jails and courts, is difficult to calculate, but it would be immense.  Trump doesn’t touch this question.

The Drudge Report tells us (11 July 2015) that Trump says he would “bomb the hell” out of the Iraqi oil fields in order to strike at ISIS in Iraq.  Today ISIS profits from some of the oil fields, but they don’t depend on it like they did in the beginning.  Trump would destroy the infrastructure that Iraq will need when (if) ISIS is defeated, and guess who will wind up repairing and rebuilding that!  Yes, the US Taxpayer.   Unfortunately, he has no military expertise, and is merely pandering to voters, who are bitter over a war we had no business starting in the first place, then managed to lose and leave the Iraqi people far, far worse off than they were under Saddam Hussein.  Where is Donald Trump’s vision of returning to Constitutional Declarations of War?  It doesn’t exist.

Yes, Trump is a businessman, and there is no doubt he would be instinctively better than any Democrat, and most Republicans in the race, but at the bottom line, he’s bombast and hot air without the gravitas to serve this country in trying to salvage a dying nation and culture.  Populists do a lot of damage, and are easily swayed by what will serve the party rather than the nation.  They don’t have the depth of understanding to stick to firm principles of defending the Constitution, even though they will take an oath stating that they will do just that.

Pardon our skepticism, but the last millionaire populist to jump into a race like this, Ross Perot, screwed the process up royally, particularly when it looked like he could actually pull it off.  Winning was apparently not his goal. But the American voters were willing to give ANY outsider a chance over the professional politicians – something neither party anticipated.

None of that national angst has gone away.  If he’s the Republican candidate, many will find themselves voting for him, once again choosing the “lesser of two weevils”, as we say down South, but it will be without enthusiasm, and it will mean that once again the Republicans will consolidate the losses America has taken at the hands of the “progressives”, rather than returning us in the direction of government as Servant, rather than Master.

May God protect us in the disastrous times that appear now to be inevitable.

Daniel New
Author: Daniel New