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Why Ron Paul?

Posted by on Feb 27, 2012

Voddie, because I have a great respect for you and your opinion I would really like to know why you are voting for Ron Paul ? I have not liked some of the things I have heard him say and I am wondering if I missed something?” -Pamela Wolfe (via Facebook Fan Page) Since posting a passing comment on my Facebook fan page about Ron Paul, I have been inundated with questions and concerns about my support of the Texas Congressman in the current Republican Primary race. In one of my many political posts (frequently, I post videos, news...

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Republican? Democrat? What’s the difference?

Posted by on Feb 21, 2012

The gap of opposing viewpoints between Republicans and Democrats in Congress is closing. The fears of a Tea Party takeover in Congress from the 2010 elections are far gone, and in fact, should now be laughed at. Republicans had their opportunity, as the leading party in the U.S. House of Representatives, to take a stand — the stand they promised they’d take to the American people — to fight against frivolous government spending, overregulation of the private sector and to put America back on a path to prosperity. Where does the health of...

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Why Donald Trump Could Save America

Posted by on Feb 21, 2012

If you’re listening at all, and if you’re reading between the lines, you know that Donald Trump is seriously positioning himself to run for president as an Independent in 2012. If you know anything about politics, you know it will probably lead to a disaster for both Trump and for the Republican Party, because his race will split conservatives and give another four years to the the current Disgrace in Chief. What could happen? There are only three possibilities, as far as winners in a three-way race: Obama could win. Donald Trump could...

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Start Your Own Political Party

Posted by on Feb 19, 2012

Sick and tired of politics as usual?  Tired of being played for a sucker by both the big parties?  Here’s an idea:  Start your own Party! Do you sometimes feel like you’re in the middle of a stampede of Elephants and Donkeys who are managed by powerful interests and who don’t listen to you and your views?  The answer is SECESSION! I’m serious.  Secede from the big parties and start your own.  Right now, you have one vote, but within a couple of hours you can have ten votes by just asking a few friends to join...

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The Rise of the Independent Voter

Posted by on Jun 11, 2011

Most Americans used to call themselves Republican or Democrat. These days, more call themselves independent. What does that mean for American politics? A lot. “Independents are everywhere, and they’re becoming the largest single voting bloc in the country,” Reason magazine Editor Matt Welch says. “They can determine every national election and every . . . election for state office. So independent voters ­ people who refuse to say, ‘I’m a Republican or I’m a Democrat’ ­ that’s where all...

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The Difference in the Two Big Parties

Posted by on Apr 11, 2011

There are little clubs like this in every town in America, and I suspect in the world.  A bunch of old men gathered around a table at a local café or donut shop.  (In some parts of the world they do this in the evening, after dinner and over wine, preferably with lots of smoke swirling around.)  In any event, it’s my observation that this is universal male behavior.  With rare exceptions, women are virtually never present, or if so, it wasn’t planned, and they’ll probably not be there twice. When you sit around the table and mostly...

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A Note from Down Under

Posted by on Jul 22, 2010

“Sent to us courtesy of Mr. Louis Cook of Victoria, Australia.”   Dear Reader, This commentary is sent to folk on a worldwide list for information because it seems every western country is faced with the same problem… your parliamentary representation is poor or non-existent; your are told you live in some type of democracy but you see it is out of control, or is it? Perhaps it is all going to plan but not the plan you would like! Some or all of the following may be applicable to your situation. However, this message is...

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Obama Opposes Offshore Drilling

Posted by on Jan 23, 2010

That was his well-known position prior to election.  What is not well know is how his actions don’t always fit his pre-election rhetoric, but here’s another headline, this one from the Wall Street Journal, several months ago: Obama Underwrites Offshore Drilling And he’s not simply allowing it, he’s underwriting it, with your tax dollars and mine.  “Yaaay!” you say, “It’s about time!” At least, you would say that until you learn that it’s not offshore U.S. oil, it’s offshore...

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The Powers, Enumerated unto the Federal Government

Posted by on Sep 17, 2009

Here are The Powers, enumerated unto the Federal Government.  Depends on how you divide some of them, how many you get.  Some people get 18.  I get 22.  (This list is taken from Wickipedia, Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution lists the powers as: Section 8: The Congress shall have power 1.  To collect taxes, etc. To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United States; but all duties,...

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Bush 43: Conservative movement is inconsequential

Posted by on Sep 15, 2009

Most of you who think you are conservative, already know that George Bush was not, is not, and has no clue what it’s all about. But this is for your friends who still think that voting for Republicans is going to balance the budget, return us to the Constitution, or reduce our involvement in a One World Government. It won’t. When you vote for “the lesser of two weevils,” you still get a weevil!   Former President George W. Bush addresses a Fourth of July crowd at the Let Freedom Ring 2009 festival at Crystal...

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