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Obama Opposes Offshore Drilling

That was his well-known position prior to election.  What is not well know is how his actions don’t always fit his pre-election rhetoric, but here’s another headline, this one from the Wall Street Journal, several months ago:

Obama Underwrites Offshore Drilling

And he’s not simply allowing it, he’s underwriting it, with your tax dollars and mine.  “Yaaay!” you say, “It’s about time!”

At least, you would say that until you learn that it’s not offshore U.S. oil, it’s offshore Brazilian oil!  That’s right, the Brazilian economy will get a boost, thanks to your loan of $200,000,000 to this drilling company.

“Well,” you hope, “At least maybe it’s an American company.”

Actually, the company is owned primarily by stockholder George Soros, one of the planet’s wealthiest men, capable of financing this project out of his weekly allowance, but why?  Why put up the cash, when you can get the American taxpayer to put it up?  Duh!

“Oh, well,” you sigh, “At least we’ll be able to buy some of the oil and it will reduce our dependence on Saudi oil.”

Wrong again.  The Chinese government has signed a contract with Soros and Brazil, and they are pre-buying all the oil the field produces.

Now you can call that good business, if you want to.  You can call it a double standard, and not be wrong.  You can call it a “sweetheart deal”, and not be wrong.  You might call it insanity, and get a lot of agreement.  But I can only think of one word for what appears to be the planned destruction of this country, combined with the planned support of our enemies:  treason

Daniel New
Author: Daniel New