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Truth at what cost?

“You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” – John 8:32

I write a substack (commence the Captain Obvious jokes). I sit at a keyboard, and I type out my thoughts that others might have opportunity to read and to which they can respond with comments. I am free to write what I wish, and I am free to state truths such as:

  • Men are men, women are women, and neither can become the other
  • The climate crisis is a manufactured hoax intended for wealth redistribution and concentrate power
  • Covid was made in a lab
  • The Covid shots were neither safe nor effective
  • Masks are ineffective at stopping the spread of Covid (or any respiratory virus)
  • There’s no such thing as “long Covid”
  • Solar and wind power are worse for the environment than so-called “fossil fuels”
  • EVs (really, battery-operated vehicles) are just as bad for the environment as, if not worse than, gasoline-powered automobiles
  • And so much more….

What consequences might I face from openly admitting these truths? Perhaps a subscriber here or there might click the unsubscribe button. Perhaps I’ll get a comment from someone who disagrees. Perhaps I’ll get labeled as a transphobe, a climate denier, or a science denier. But what have I really lost if such happens? I don’t charge for subscriptions (nor do I have any plans to, though I am thankful to have had a few readers pledge financial support), so I stand to lose very little.

The truth can be divisive. It can be painful. But the truth doesn’t change just because people don’t like it or would prefer their own “truth.” Though truth may be uncomfortable, it is still true, and it is objective (no one gets to have his or her own “truth”).

There are others who risk far more. For instance, when David Daleiden exposed Planned Parenthood for selling aborted baby parts, instead of Planned Parenthood being shut down (as they should have been), Deleiden was arrested. He brought the truth to light, and instead of those dealing in darkness reaping the reward for their deeds, the local DA trumped up a falsified-government-document charge for Daleiden using a fake drivers license to gain entry to Planned Parenthood.

When doctors like Mary Talley Bowden, Simon Goddek, Mike Yeadon, Mike Donio, and many others, stood up against Covid tyranny, they risked career and reputation, and many of them lost both. Dr. Bowden is still fighting very costly lawsuits against the Texas Medical Board simply because she was opposed to “vaccine” (it’s not a vaccine) mandates and wanted to use alternative treatments like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin for her patients. Mike Donio lost a 20-year career in research for refusing the shots. These men and women had the courage to push back against the official narrative, and the horrific medical malpractices, all at great personal cost.

This is not to say that those who believe something to be true, despite their belief being false, won’t also take risk. Look at those committed to climate cultism. Throwing soup on famous paintings; gluing themselves to floors; trying to destroy the Magna Carta. They are certainly devoted to their “truth.” The same goes for groups like BLM, Antifa, and the pro-Palestine protestors. The difference is, for most of them, there is little threat (at least in America). Some have gone to jail but were quickly released. Some climate kooks in the UK have also been arrested, usually for criminal conspiracy or action. Sometimes, just the belief that something is true, whether it is or not, is enough for people to take action they might otherwise not.

Then there are those who risk everything. If we look at the New Testament, the Apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ were willing to risk their very lives in order to spread His message. They proclaimed salvation in the name of Christ, citing His death on a cross to pay for the sins of mankind, according to the Jewish Scriptures and the prophecies held therein (though even the Jews rejected Him). These men didn’t do so simply on a belief, however; they were eyewitnesses to Jesus resurrection. They saw, spoke with, ate with, and touched the man whom the Romans crucified at the behest of the Jewish leadership. Over 500 people were witness to Him being alive after He was seen to be dead and entombed – this was easily verifiable even when the New Testament was written many years later.

These men were beaten, jailed, stoned. The Apostle Peter was crucified upside down. They faced every peril imaginable all to share the message of God’s love shown through the sacrifice of His Son, the message that through Him, we might have life eternal in God’s presence rather than the condemnation we all deserve. This is a message of true love and of true hope. It is a message that, no matter who you are or what your life has been, God can change your path.

This is a truth they were willing to die for. No one would die for a lie – at least not knowingly. That these men were willing to die for their message should tell you something: they were willing to sacrifice everything, to pay the ultimate cost, to stand for the truth.

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through me.” – John 14:6

Chad Uretsky
Author: Chad Uretsky