What can I do in order to have more choices at the ballot box next time? How many times have you said that?
Do you not find it ironic that the entire military might of the United States has guaranteed easy access to every political faction in Iraq and Afghanistan, and yet, with rare exceptions, we can only vote for two parties in the USA? Who is more free in this area? Iraq, or the USA?
The two major socialist parties in Texas (and America) have conspired to keep you from voting from anyone else but them. This is criminal fraud on their behalf, but they get away with it because Americans are so complacent and apathetic (or maybe I should say “pathetic”.) In order to make ballot access in Texas, a party needs over 55,000 signatures on petitions – a hurdle way too high, but then made higher because those signatures must be from people who are: (a) registered to vote, and (b) who did not vote in the primaries or participate in any other party, or sign any other petition. It’s a bureaucrat’s way of saying, “Don’t bother.”
As long as our only choices are “The Welfare Party” or “The Warfare Party”, we are being played like a yoyo, and have no hope of electing candidates who will shake up the political system. The System likes it that way. They are at peace with their “deadly enemies” on the other side of the aisle, because, in reality, they aren’t there to give you honest constitutional government — they are there to keep themselves and their party in power. Period.
There is one thing you can do that would increase the chances for more options next year. Make a serious donation to the alternative party of your choice, today! If you will join a third party, pay your dues, and support them as a member, even while holding your nose and voting for “the lesser of two weevils”, you will begin to pave the road to more choices next time. Of course, if you’ll get ten friends to do the same thing, you’ll strengthen the local party and the state party in Texas, and you’ll have a group who are more motivated to choices in November.
In the meantime, it will be good for everyone if you will find an independent candidate this fall, and give him some money and encourage others to vote for him. Or her, as the case may be. Ask the Independent to pledge to make ballot access easier for parties and candidates. You’ll find a sympathetic ear.
Daniel New
Chairman, ICV-Texas