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Want to See Conservatives Elected?

Independent Conservative Voters is now accepting county volunteers in your state and in your specific county.  The goal is to help us build a constitutional alternative to the current sorry slate of candidates we are faced with in the both the primary elections and the general election this November.  The targets are local – school boards, city councils, county commissioners, state reps and senators, and US congressmen.  No more than that.  (That’s enough, for now!)

Take a Poll.  You’re not the only one in your county disgusted with the various shades of socialists and special interest candidates and plain old nincompoops who are on the ballot this year.  In fact, you are in the majority.  I encourage you to take your own poll – ask 100 people if they think they have clear-cut choices between candidates in this election.  Then you tell me – send me an e-mail and tell me your results – I am pretty sure that you’ll find that your fellow citizens are as disgusted right now with politics-as-usual as you are.

Form a Team.  Ask them if they’re interested in forming up a team of concerned voters to find alternative candidates, starting with the very next election at any level.  This is to be a grass-roots effort, not controlled by any political party.

Once you have a team – let us say a minimum of three voters – then you set about building that team up to a point where you have some voting clout.  The three of you can easily recruit ten members each to come to a barbecue or a pot-luck or a restaurant and hear a speaker or a presentation on how they can start picking their own elected officials, instead of this lottery system now where the richest candidate usually wins, without regard to qualifications!

And what does your team do?  The first thing they agree to do is to vote as a bloc, wherever possible, for the best candidates, regardless of party affiliation.  You and your two friends may not feel very powerful today, but next week, when you are looking at 20-30 concerned citizens, each capable of getting ten or more votes for a given candidate, you suddenly realize the power of “me and my ten friends.”  In that first meeting you are looking at an impact on the next election of some 200-400 votes!  Do you have any idea how many elections are decided by 100 or fewer votes?  Many of them are determined by 20 votes.

What are the criteria we look for in candidates?  Let me assure you, the major parties have NO criteria at all!  Seriously, if you want to run for anything, all you have to do is go put your name on the list and they’ll take you.  Now, if you’re a part of the ruling elite, they’ll throw their support your way, but if not, you can still run for anything.  In fact, all rhetoric aside, both parties will support an enemy in order to prevent a true conservative from winning.  We’ve seen this done over and over.

  • You want a Conservative – one who believes in fiscal responsibility, lower taxes, less government intrusion into our lives, etc.
  • You want a Constitutionalist.  If they are going to take an oath to support and defend the Constitution, then it might be a good idea if they’ve not only read it, but have studied it!1
  • You want a candidate who is concerned about his/her constitutional duty, more than his/her duty to the political party they run on.  Party means very little these days.  But principles remain the same.
  • You want a candidate who will listen to you, instead of Party Bosses and Special Interest.  They should have no special interest beyond the Constitution and protecting the Lives, the Liberties and the Private Property of every person in their jurisdiction.

What Party?  The truth is, it really doesn’t matter!  A party is a machine, a vehicle to get you from point A to point B.  Their platforms are meaningless anyway, so exploit the party most likely to win in your county.

The idea is that you either run your candidates under a party which has ballot access, or you run them as Independents!  There are no alternatives.  As much as you may agree with and love the Libertarian Party or the Constitution Party, the fact is that they offer voters no hope unless they have ballot access.2  Feel free to ork to make them viable, but don’t let it get in the way of finding good candidates now and running them as Independents, Democrats, or Republicans.

Don’t overdo it.  Do NOT try to get 100 or 1,000 people to join you in any action – you don’t have enough hours in the day, and you don’t have that much influence, believe it or not.  But you DO have 10 friends who will vote any way you recommend, either because they are as informed as you, or because they know you are more informed than they are, and they trust your recommendations.  These ten friends are your secret weapon!  And each of them has ten friends.  I’m sure you can see that working with, educating and motivating ten good friends is far easier than doing the same thing with a hundred acquaintances or strangers.

Study.  Do some extensive reading on our website,, and figure out what this is all about.  Then ask a friend or two to do the same, and invite them to help you create the underground political party that can overturn the applecart of the Ruling Elite.

What does a Candidate want?  You know the answer – he wants votes!  Lots of votes.  So… how do you get a candidate’s attention?  By convincing him that you can deliver ten votes, or a hundred votes, or a thousand votes in the coming election.  You can elect him, or you can prevent his election.

And how do you do that?  By inviting him to dinner, at a local restaurant or in someone’s home, where your members show up committed to vote for conservatives and Independents, and to withhold their votes from socialists and ignoramuses (ignorami) who have no clue about the Constitution they are swearing to uphold and defend.

I guarantee you, when 30-100 concerned voters attend a meeting for the sole purpose of finding conservative candidates, your candidate will “come to Jesus” very quickly.  He will catch your vision, just as soon as he perceives that it’s in his interest to do so.

The endorsement of your leadership, once it reaches even 100 voters, will carry a lot of weight with local candidates.  You invite them to come and listen to the voters, not just make empty political speeches – we’re tired of hearing that garbage!  We want them to listen to us!  If they aren’t interested, we’ll either find a candidate who will be, or we’ll nominate an independent from our own group, and the stronger we grow, the more viable that becomes.

When you have 1,500 members, if you choose to do it, in most counties you can elect one of your own to the local school board and to the county commissioners court.  At that point, you will actually own your own political party, and you won’t need the socialist pimps of the two major parties any more!  How’s that for refreshing?

You don’t have ten friends?  Start with five.  Start with two.

So… what’s stopping you from changing the way politics works in your county?

And remember this – nobody owns you!  We at Independent Conservative Voters hope to influence you, to educate you, and to motivate you, but you can affect the people who run your local government, and you have a duty to do so.

Send me an e-mail in care of, with your poll results, or with your request to become the first county coordinator in your county.  Then, get ready to make some changes.

Daniel New
Project Manager

PS.  You can see how effective you are at this year’s primary – throw your two, or twenty, or two hundred votes behind the one or two candidates running this year, and forget about all other races.  Make it happen – I’m pretty sure you have one good candidate in your county – please see that he/she has all the support you can give them.

It’s about the Constitution, Stupid!

1. Your team should seriously consider sponsoring a Constitutional Study Group to meet weekly from now on.  There will never be an end to the need for informed candidates and voters.

2. Please understand that we don’t disparage the efforts of third parties!  In fact, please join one and support it, as a side effort, so that you might have more choices in the future.  But for now, let’s be realistic.

Daniel New
Author: Daniel New