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Secession is a Viable Option

Secession!  Isn’t that a great word?  Secede now, it’s the American way!

Americans are great quitters, if you know anything at all about our history.

In 1776, we seceded from a corrupt political system and from the dominion of Great Britain, over abuses to our 13 Crown Colonies, each of which had Charters granted by the Crown of England.  Those charters were abused by the British Parliament, and the Colonists, who knew how to read and write and think independently, did not take it sitting down.  They protested, they petitioned, they argued, etc, until King George was sick of them, and declared them all to be a bunch of paper terrorists, tearing up their petitions and legally “outlawing” the colonies — something not even a king can legally do.

The most famous act of secession, in 1861, resulted in a bloody (and unnecessary) war of Northern Aggression against the Confederate States of America.  That effort ended in a military failure, but it certainly did not dampen the enthusiasm of many Southerners to simple QUIT the game!  They migrated to the Western states in huge numbers (along with many thousands who migrated to Mexico, Brazil, and other countries).  They voted with their feet.

When you are in a job that becomes intolerable, what do you do?

When you are in a church that teaches doctrines that strike you as contrary to your understanding, and you get no hearing from the power brokers, what do you do?

When you don’t like what the social engineers are teaching your children, what do you do?

When you don’t like the way a company treats you, what do you do?

You may not call it secession, but when you quit playing the game, and walk away from the job, or the church, or the school, or the company, you are seceding!  We’ve al seceded from many things in our lives.  Some people secede from marriages or families (an American trait that we should not be proud of).  Some people secede from television, or borrowing money from banks.  Etc.

Well, you can secede, now, from the monopoly, or “duopoly” of what is called the “two party system” of American politics.  It’s quite easy, actually.  All you do is make up your mind that you aren’t going to take it any more, and act accordingly.

Will they notice when you leave?  Unless you’ve been giving them lots of money, or are an elected representative at some level, no.  But when you, and ten of your friends, walk out and start behaving like Independent Thinkers, and when your ten friends each get ten more to do the same, the cumulative effect will be felt, sooner or later.  Sooner, if you work at it.  Later, if you lollygag around.

It’s so simple, it’s amazing that no one has tried it on an organized level.  Millions have done it, as individuals, but like the 1866 Confederate emigrants to Brazil, most of them return to the old political system, lured by fresh candidates and more campaign rhetoric.  We vote for what we perceive to be the “lesser of two weevils” over, and over again.  We wimp out.  And the professionals play us like a fisherman playing a mullet.  We have become a nation of mullets.

It’s time to make up your mind that you do not belong to the Socialist Party A, nor to Socialist Party B, and then take ten friends with you, right out the door!

And how do you do that?  Well, the plan is so simple that it just seems too easy.  But you start by going to and reading until you grasp the plan.

Next, you immediately withhold your votes from all but the most qualified of candidates, in your opinion, because YOU and only you are the arbiter of your vote.  (This may mean you only vote for one or two or three people in the next election.  So what?  They are YOUR candidates.)

Next, you get ten friends to agree to work the plan with you.

Next, you start looking for your own candidates.  From your network of 10 voters, and their 100 voters, and their 1,000 voters, the chances are you can find one person to file to run for some office, as an Independent.

Whether you reach your goal of a network of 10 voters, 100 voters, 1,000 voters, or 10,000 voters, you have become a power broker based upon the truly Independent Voting Bloc that you have created.  You assert your independence by making sure that your ten friends, and their ten friends, never, ever vote straight party ballots again.  You find the one, two, or three candidates who deserve your vote, and you do all within your power to get your Team to vote with you.  (Inviting a candidate to your house, or back yard, or a local restaurant, to inform him/her that you have chosen to receive your votes will leave that candidate looking at the ceiling all night long, wondering what is happening, and how he/she can get more people to do it!

You don’t buy advertising.  You’re not interested in “influencing the masses” — that’s the thinking of Collectivists.  You want to influence your ten friends!  (And theirs.)  (And so on.)  And, in the end, this means the paradigm is broken — the Monopoly of Power in your county is dented, by 10, 100, 1000 votes, etc.

When ten people get 100 voters on their Team, acting Independently, yet in a concerted effort, the voting returns will confuse the old power brokers, and they probably won’t have a clue what just happened, but when one of their “golden boys” bites the dust, they sure will know that something is going on!  That bloc of 1,000 votes means you probably now have the influence to swing an election, right off the bat, at least in most counties.  You may or may not have the votes to win, but you can deny victory — and that is half the job!

How do you test your voting power?  Easy.  Pick a candidate who has no chance — and test your impact.  Doesn’t matter who it is, as long as it’s someone whom no one expects to get more than a dozen or a hundred votes.  Don’t have one this year?  Well, next year you should see to it that you do.  Volunteer to be that person, if you like.  Put your name on the ballot, as an independent, and don’t campaign (in the traditional sense) at all.  Instead, hold a coffee for your ten friends, explain to them what you will do, if elected, and ask them for a unanimous commitment to each get you 10, or 100, or 1,000 votes.  I assure you, it’s that simple.

YOU CAN MANAGE TEN VOTES!  And so can your friends, if they want to.  And so can their friend’s friends.

The easiest test in November, 2008, would be to start having coffee or dinner in September with your team of ten, (and getting them to do the same), visiting their teams at their houses, and explaining how “this secession thing” actually works.  Ask them to help you test your system by voting for, say, Chuck Baldwin for president!!  (If you prefer to support some other candidate, that will work as well, but you just learned who is my favorite candidate.  He’s more qualified than any other candidate, IN MY OPINION, and that happens to be the one that matters to me.  BUT… I’m listening, if you want to try to talk me into voting for Bob Barr, or Cynthia McKinney, or anyone else!)  The key to your test is that you all agree on a test candidate.  If you have someone running for state representative, an outsider with “no chance”, you just might give him/her that chance.

(Note:  In Texas, you will have to write in the name of Chuck Baldwin, and the returns will not be reported in the press, but they will show up, or should, sooner or later.  But here’s another great way to make yourself felt.  If you get an affidavit from 100 people in your county who say they voted for Chuck Baldwin, and if Baldwin only gets four votes, then you have a chance to sit down with the Elections Officer of your county and demand a recount, or file a lawsuit, or take some other appropriate action.  That’s because it’s impossible to find out if your team’s votes for the traditional candidates were recorded, but it would be a very easy thing to find out if your County Clerk has recorded your 100 votes.  And it just might be that the party would support you in filing some kind of a legal complaint or litigation, if you have verifiable proof that your team cast 100 or 1,000 votes.)

Your effective span of control is ten.  Remember that.  Don’t get greedy and try to recruit 100 voters, because you cannot manage 100 of anything!  But you can manage ten, and if you have, say, 14 people who want to secede with you, place their names in the down-line teams of your Top Ten.  Save us all some time here by visualizing an Amway chart.  That’s exactly how it works.  This is nothing more, nor less, than applying the power of multi-level marketing to grass-roots politics.  I would call it “the Amway Revolution”, but Amway would object, so I won’t.

Ten couples (which, in reality, is typically about 25 votes, but you’re only going to count them as ten) are waiting now for you to call them, invite them over for a Secession Party, and then planning the next American revolution.  They don’t know it, but they are.

I invite you to become the spark plug for at least ten votes.  As you capture the Vision, I urge you to think a little bigger, and convey the Vision to your ten friends.  If a few only want to be at the bottom of the organization, that’s cool.  Don’t get upset.  Just assign them to someone else, because you are looking for ten spark plugs of your own.

How long should this take?  Not long at all.  Your round of coffee and pot-luck dinners could take up to a week.  Same for your team.  Theoretically, you could grow exponentially in the next eight weeks. let’s see:  1 – 10 – 100 – 1,000 – 10,000 – 100,000 – 1,000,000 – 10,000,000 votes.  Hmmm.  It may not be THAT easy, THAT quickly, because there may not be that many thinking people in America.  Yet.  But you’re about to change that, aren’t you?  (Note:  If you skip a week on an eight week program, you don’t lose the first number, you lose the last one.  Ponder that until you grasp it.  Or ask for an explanation, if necessary.)

What’s not clear about this?  Please tell me, and I’ll be happy to discuss it with you in person, by e-mail or by phone.  Or in person.  Maybe I’ll run for Governor or Railroad Commissioner in Texas in 2010, just to test our system.  Better yet, maybe I’ll get you to!  Ever want to be County Commissioner?  On the School Board?  Mayor?

Author: admin